DFG-Research Project Glocalized Living Environments
Full Title:
„Glocalized Living Environments: Reconstructing Modes of Ethical Judgment in Geography Education“
Sub-project Pedagogy:
Dr. Juliane Engel (Head of Research / Pedagogy, DFG-Research Training Groups 1718 “Presence and Tacit Knowledge”, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Elke Möller, M.A. (Research Assistant, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Mehren (Head of Research / Didactics of Geography, University of Gießen)
Dr. Stefan Applis, OStR (Head of Research / Practical Philosophy, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Jan Hofmann (Research Assistant)
Eva-Marie Ulrich-Riedhammer, M.A. (Research Assistant)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) to the amount of 363.846 € total.
Research Period:
2015 – 2018
Project Description and Objective:
Rising complexity of possible interrelations is one of the formative phenomena in our current world. The term ‘glocalization’ (Robertson 1995, Dürrschmidt 2011) describes this increasing complexity of potential interrelations as a dynamic process of local and global developments. By indicating complexity or rather by showing the multi-directionality of the globalization concept itself, locality and globality can be understood in their syncratization, and thereby counter widespread notions of globalization created by a mostly eurocentric perspective (Löw 2011, Featherstones 1994).
Empirical results of already performed pilot studies show that heterogeneous interpretations leave their mark on the glocalized living environment of students, challenging them in their decision-making, hence invoking their differentiation skills. Based on these findings, we focus on difference-theory to explore how students approach ethical questions in the construction of identity within virtual, hence global contexts.
Combining approaches from the field of Media Studies with methods of Qualitative Research on Human Development, the study uses method triangulation consisting of videography, group discussions and questionnaires to reconstruct complex modes of ethical judgment.
>> Camerascript (Author: Elke Möller; German Version)
Dürrschmidt, Jörg (2011): „Roland Robertson: Kultur im Spannungsfeld der Glokalisierung“, in: Moebius, Stephan / Quadflieg, Dirk (Hg.): Kultur. Theorien der Gegenwart. 2. und erweiterte Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, S. 734-745.
Featherstone, Mike u.a. (1995): Global Modernities, London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: Sage.
Löw, Martina (2011): Raum. Die topologischen Dimensionen von Kultur. In: Jaeger, Friedrich/Rüsen Jörn (Hg.): Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften. Bd. 3 Themen und Tendenzen. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, S. 46-60.
Robertson, Robert (1995): „Glocalization: Time-Space and Homogeneity-Heterogeneity“. In: Featherstone, Michael/Lash, Scott/Robertson, Robert (Hg.): Global Modernities, London: Sage, S. 25-44.